Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Help Your Family with Family Therapy


Living as a family can be difficult. Personality clashes, different life stages and communication problems can cause a great deal of conflict and friction within the family unit. Many couples and parents just want to ensure that their family is filled with love, is safe and has a sense of togetherness. Unfortunately achieving the perfectly functional family is very rare. Family therapy is often the solution.

Family therapy is not only for family units with children, but is also ideal for couples and married couples who wish to rekindle the flame and make their relationships work. Kobus Coetzee is a psychologist based in Centurion, Gauteng who offers to assist families to work through their problems. His psychological approach will help the family unit to identify problem areas in their relationships and work on methods of solving these problems or over coming them. Finding where each family member fits into the family unit is important, as each person has a key role in the family. Kobus Coetzee will assist both parents and children to address certain issues in an honest way. He will ensure that all members of the family feel completely secure and safe enough to open up to each other. Learning how each member of the family communicates and what makes them tick is a key factor to developing mutual understanding and respect. This is something that Kobus Coetzee will definitely encourage.

While all families have their ups and downs and all siblings and parents go through their rivalries, there is a way to ensure that your family functions healthily and that each family member feels that they belong.

If you would like to focus on having a healthy and happy  family then you may considered family therapy. Contact Kobus Coetzee for more information.